Trip Report: Cherry Hill Water Park and Mini Golf, 6/27/2020

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Going to water parks two days in a row? Yep, that’s exactly what I’m doing! But this time, it was time to drag Andrew along to check out Cherry Hill!

I was super excited to check this water park out. I had first heard it advertised on the radio last summer, but hadn’t made it out then. So I was determined to do it this year! I watched slide POVs on YouTube and was quite excited. We reserved a half-day slot and arrived on Saturday morning to enjoy the beautiful summertime.

We got King of the Hill passes! This allows us to do all the activities that Cherry Hill offers!
Check out this theming!
We first checked out Pirates Cove. Yes, there is no apostrophe there. It bothers me, too.
AHOY! Well isn’t this a sight for sore eyes!
Holy heck, those donuts smell good. And is that…Cardiac Canyon River Run?! YES!

Cardiac Canyon ended up being our first ride of the day, after setting our stuff down in a shady spot and hoping that no one would steal it (turns out, I think we could’ve gotten a free locker with our King of the Hill passes). It was shorter than it looked based on the YouTube video; however, it was quite fun. The ride as a whole is very bumpy, but the bumps are made of a super soft material, so it doesn’t hurt. Same thing with the walls of the canyon itself. Going through the tunnels is super cool, too.

They are super informal at Cherry Hill. You can wear your watch, your shoes, your shirt, your shades, whatever the hell you want. I got stuck a few times on Cardiac. The first time I was able to grab onto the walls and push-pull myself forward. The second time I basically had to stand up to keep going.

I loved Cardiac Canyon, but Andrew wasn’t a big fan.

Cardiac was a blast for me, but Andrew didn’t like the constant getting stuck.
After Cardiac, it was time for the lazy river, Grant’s Gulch! So at Cherry Hill, you don’t rent a tube, you just…grab one. So they’re free. Problem is, they run out super quickly. So you have to awkwardly stand there and wait for someone to get out, then snag their tube before someone else does.
On the lazy river, there is fun dialogue and western-ish music playing. Plus, you float through this super cool Old West town! Now if only they had themed the inner tubes…
After the lazy river, it was time for some lunch at Grant’s Pizza!
These little buildings are such a cute touch.
Potty break time. The drinking fountain isn’t opening for sanitation reasons, so you’d better bring or buy your own water this summer. Thankfully we had a ton of bottles in the car.

After lunch, Andrew was feeling pretty tired, so he laid down to take a nap in the shade. I did, too, but also explored a bit more. It was relaxing, and that’s the nice part about Cherry Hill. It’s so small that you never feel rushed.

A little geyser squirts water into the air here.
Taking a nap in the shade in the middle of summer, looking up towards the trees as you fall asleep…YES! Pure bliss.
Here is a shot of Cardiac Canyon and The Little Dipper. I should’ve done Little Dipper early, because then I could’ve done it before all the little kids got there. Sadly I was too late and elected to skip it.
One of my beloved “Summer Haze” moments, where the monotony and mundanity of everyday life feels a world apart from you, and you are swept in an alternate reality of peaceful, fantastical adventure.
A view inside of the ship in Pirate’s Cove.
I waded in the water for a bit here.
Had to run to the car and get some more water, so I snapped this picture of the fountain on the way there. So lovely. <3
The welcoming sign!

While getting water I also stopped at all 3 gift shops, and…none of them had Cherry Hill shirts or hats. All I could find were socks, and those were not my style at all. I really want a shirt, so hopefully they’ll have some next time I go, whenever that may be. Hopefully soon.

Time to trudge back up this grassy knoll.
I’m telling you, man, I love these trees.
Splish splash.
Check out this beautiful planter box. We are on our way now to Double Dragons, which is on the other side of the park!
LOVE the bright aesthetic…
As we head towards Double Dragons, we see that the theme is no longer pirates or Wild West…Instead, it is medieval fantasy times! As a fantasy nerd, this is very cool.
You nerds want some PIES?
The entrance! Isn’t he cute?
Andrew was too tired to ride the Dragons, so I took him to the spectator benches. Along the way, we passed by the Pie Pantry, which looks nice. Didn’t get a chance to try it, though!
Like…This is gonna be so cool!

You line up at the bottom of the slides to get mats from riders who are finishing. Then, you climb up the stairs with your super ghetto white mat. You line up for which dragon you want, you sit on your mat, and you go.

My preferred sliding position is sitting, legs bent so my feet are still on the mat, and hands gripping the sides of the mat. You’ve got to bend forward a little bit to lower your center of gravity so you don’t fall off. This is very important, with all slides but especially this one: do not fight the slide. Let it carry you, and you’ll keep your mat.

I didn’t notice any of the famed fog or strobe lighting that this slide is supposedly known for, which is LAME, but…I still had tons of fun.

By the time you hit the splash pool, you’re going so slow that you can basically just step into the pool instead of unceremoniously plunging into it. However, it does get pretty zippy towards the middle.

Ooh, is this a bathroom? Nope. I don’t know what it is, but you can’t go in.
It’s so beautiful! But as you’re riding you can’t really see the dragon’s head, since you’re facing forwards. With enough time to get used to it, it may be possible to look back.
Here are the spectator bleachers that Andrew sat on.
Oh yeah!
slightly different vantage point, idk
Another shot from the dragon’s belly.

After riding both Double Dragons slides, it was time to get changed and go golfing.

here is the Jungle Maze that we ended up not having enough time to do! It has cool drumbeat music!
Here are their lockers that we didn’t use, lame
Here is the shower. Nobody ever shows water park showers in their photo reports, but I think it’s important to know what you’re dealing with. These are pretty nice although I would still wear shoes if I were you.
They have a bench to put your stuff on too. And a few coat hangers.
Now it’s time to go mini golfing!
Here is the course
Pretty cool castle
Lovely water features
3-headed dragon!
I didn’t know mini golf had water traps!
You think I’m keeping score? BAH! I’m far too lazy for that.
Peaceful AF.
Thanks bird!
Mini golf + awesome water slides = perfection.
Statue of Liberty…Could it be the real thing?
He looks…uncomfortable.
Heck yes, Cherry Hill!
Golden Gate!
Pretty cool tunnel thing!
So pretty <3
This vending machine looked super ghetto and I wasn’t about to chance it to see if it worked.
It’s very hard to make it into any of the trolley cars.
Thought it was a Ferris wheel at first, but it was actually a spinning axe!
I love snakeys.
Here is a good view of where you get your mat on Double Dragons! Usually, someone hands it to you, but if not, they are stored on this railing.
Mr. Bison.
So cute!
I like the lion statues — built those in RCT3P.
It just keeps getting cooler. IDK what those yellow things are for though.
River <3
A little slide for your golf ball
The mouth opens and shuts!
Human-size castle 🙂
It goes up the little lift and it is the most charming thing ever.
Mr. Golfie on his brave little adventure up the mountain…
And they get spit out here.
The final hole…(that’s what she said)
The clock goes wild when you make it!
And so does the little light on top.
After the golf course, we went to the shops one more time. I saw a bunch of kiddie rides that weren’t operating for whatever reason.
Maybe we’ll do the jungle maze in the future. In fact, I hope to do it next time I’m here, if I’m with someone that is!
Looks like a nice place to relax (mind the poo though…)
I couldn’t find a Cherry Hill shirt or a hat…So allow me to introduce Mr. Sharkworth and Raymond!

After golfing, we got some milkshakes at Iceberg Drive Inn. Cherry Hill really needs an ice cream stand (well it might have had one but if so I couldn’t find it). The campground was cool too but I forgot to take pictures of it.

All in all, it was a great day at Cherry Hill. I had a blast, and although Andrew was pretty wiped out by the end he enjoyed it as well. I will definitely be coming here again!

Oho, wait! What is this? Is this…COWABUNGA BAY? Stay tuned for my future summer adventures!

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