I actually completely forgot to get any pictures of the tulips, lol. But it was a good trip.
Continuing the trend of this surprisingly social 2021 season of mine (not that I’m complaining!), I met up with Nathan and a small group from Coaster Studios, including Taylor himself, which was pretty cool. While I was on camera at least once, I doubt any of the scenes with me in them will make any of the cuts. I looked like absolute trash due to finals hangover/hathead/mesh mask/too much ice cream. Most of the day I spent with just Nathan, since it was most likely his last visit for a while (due to moving to Florida, #thedream) and I wanted to make sure he could make the most of it. Me, I have all summer and last year we didn’t even get a preseason, so it was a pretty laid-back day for me. It was awesome to ride Cannibal with Coaster Studios, though!
I was extremely tired when I woke up on Saturday morning, but I went and ran 9 miles anyway. As a result, I got ready for the day so slowly that I finally hobbled (yes, literally) into the park at around 12:45 PM, sore as heck, with a plan to leave at around 5 to go to Texas Roadhouse with some friends. It was a mild day in the 50s, with sun. Cold in the shade, and warm otherwise.

Then, we got some snacks. I got some nice french fries with fry sauce, but they forgot to give me my water cup. And it costs 25 cents for some stupid reason. :V Who on earth pays for water that isn’t bottled? This is America lol.

I wonder when the part from Wicked is finally going to get here so we can ride it! Anyway…my coaster withdrawal is satiated, at least for the next 7-14 days. And water park and carnival season is fast approaching. This is going to be awesome! It was a great trip!