After going to Palisade Park, it was time to go to my first carnival of the year! Now with all the irrational panic of 2020, sadly most carnivals got cancelled — which is heartbreaking, as carnivals are one of the staples of summer. So, when I saw that City of Fun was going to Nephi, I realized that I had better jump on it, because who knows when I would get another chance. And this ended up being a really good idea, because they did get cancelled before moving to their next destination. 🙁
This was my first trip down south to Nephi. It’s a VERY rural town, with a lot of cows. I bought a few tickets and should have worn more ghetto shoes.

Also, visiting alone was super awkward because there were only like 10 people in the carnival the entire time, not counting the employees. They wouldn’t let me ride unless there were other passengers, too, so I couldn’t ride Spin-Out and had to wait to ride the Fireball. The guy operating the Scrambler was super cool, though I ended up bursting my water bottle (because it was in the pocket closest to the edge of the seat) and spilling it all over the place.