Trip Report: Nielsen’s Grove Park, 7/14/2020

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Dang I’ve been writing a lot about Nielsen’s. Even so, what’s here on this blog is only a small fraction of the many, many times I have been there.

A beautiful summertime path…
I don’t care about the heat, not one bit. I don’t ever want the summer to end.
I love the little garden. There are a lot of bees in it though.
Still haven’t died of corona. So, can the world go back to normal now? How about now? Now? Please?
A quintessential summer scene.
The house in which Mr. Nielsen raised 8 kids. Back view! I wonder what’s inside? Well, I won’t find out, because I don’t know if I’m supposed to go in there.
It looks majestic although I’m not really sure what its purpose is
Swing looking schwifty
And I love it when they have the fountain on!

Yes chicks and dudes, a summer in Utah Valley simply isn’t complete without regular trips to Nielsen’s. And with that, I rest my case.

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