Trip Report, sort of: Central Coast Aquarium, 6/11/2020

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I said “sort of” because the aquarium is temporarily closed, but I did walk around the perimeter and get some cool pictures!

Avila Beach, where the aquarium is located, is a subtropical paradise. Deep blue waves, mild temperatures, a great ice cream shop (Hula Hut) and pier, great campgrounds and hotels, and weather that is either a) sunny, warm, and beautiful or b) foggy, cool, and mysterious.

I’ve never actually been inside the aquarium, though. We’ve driven and walked by it many times, but I’ve always been told it was “too expensive”. Well, I’ll be the judge of that, whenever I come back. For now, though, I’ve got some neat pictures of the outside and surrounding beach paradise.

And you wonder why people live in California despite all the crazy people there? Watch, and take notes.

Not too far from the aquarium is this lovely pier.
A fun educational sign at the beginning of the pier. We can’t go to the end because it’s roped off.
This is why people live in California despite the high prices and crazy people. With the exception of the current insanity of 2020, it is #WorthIt. Just look at that mysterious fog bank looming in the distance!
You can’t go to the aquarium without getting a Hula Hut ice cream cone first; it’s sublime.
There is a nice little park and playground as we approach the aquarium. I am not sure if the park is named, or if it’s just part of Avila Beach.
Aha, here we are. Had to take it at a high angle to avoid getting two girls playing volleyball in the shot.
We can see, but we cannot enter therein. And all the animals have either been released into the wild or temporarily transferred to other aquariums, and (in the latter case) will reside there until they eventually reopen. So it’s not like there’s anything to see within these walls.
Learning about marine sanctuaries! In both English ¡y español!
Entrance with a sad closed sign. On their website, they assure that it will be temporary.
A gift shop! And a pelican.
The compass on the ground is pretty neat.
Can we go back in time to 2019 now or nah? Actually I think like 1997 would be even better. But I’ll take either.
I do not know what lies beyond this mysterious gate, but it does look pretty cool. Love the mural.
I couldn’t finish reading this now-inaccurate bulletin board because I died from covid.
Note that they thought this would only last until March, and they would open after that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA were we fooled.
This cute little otter wants us to stay, but alas, we cannot.

Overall it was a good little trip, although I only got like 5 minutes to walk around the aquarium before the family wanted to start walking again. Whatever, it still counts! This was actually part of a larger day trip, where we went to Pismo Beach, Avila Beach, and San Luis Obispo. Good times.

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